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The Peg Instructions component block is used to tie the price of a security to a market event such as opening price, mid-price, best price. The Peg Instructions block may also be used to tie the price to the behavior of a related security.

211FloatAmount (signed) added to the peg for a pegged order in the context of the PegOffsetType
1094Int EnumDefines the type of peg
835Int EnumDescribes whether peg is static/fixed or floats
836Int EnumType of Peg Offset (e.g. price offset, tick offset etc)
837Int EnumSpecifies nature of resulting pegged price (e.g. or better limit, strict limit etc)
838Int EnumIf the calculated peg price is not a valid tick price, specifies how to round the price (e.g. be more or less aggressive)
840Int EnumThe scope of the "related to" price of the peg (e.g. local, global etc)
1096String EnumRequired if PegSecurityID is specified
1097StringRequires PegSecurityIDSource if specified