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The RootParties component block is a version of the Parties component block used to provide root information regarding the owning and entering parties of a transaction.

Number of RootPartyID (1117), RootPartyIDSource (1118), and RootPartyRole (1119) entries
1117StringUsed to identify source of RootPartyID. Required if RootPartyIDSource is specified. Required if NoRootPartyIDs > 0
1118Char EnumUsed to identify class source of RootPartyID value (e.g. BIC). Required if RootPartyID is specified. Required if NoRootPartyIDs > 0
1119Int EnumIdentifies the type of RootPartyID (e.g. Executing Broker). Required if NoRootPartyIDs > 0
2388Int Enum
ComponentRepeating group of RootParty sub-identifiers