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1035 DeskOrderHandlingInst

Codes that apply special information that the Broker / Dealer needs to report.

Same values as CustOrderHandlingInst (1031)


APhone simple
BPhone complex
CFCM provided screen
DOther provided screen
EClient provided platform controlled by FCM
FClient provided platform direct to exchange
HAlgo engine
JPrice at execution (price added at initial order entry, trading, middle office or time of give-up)
WDesk - electronic
XDesk - pit
YClient - electronic
ZClient - pit
ADDAdd-on order
AONAll or none
CNDConditional order
CNHCash not held
CSHDelivery instructions - cash
DIRDirected order
DLODiscretionary limit order
E.WExchange for physical transaction
FOKFill or kill
IDXIntraday cross
IOImbalance only
IOCImmediate or cancel
ISOIntermarket sweep order
LOOLimit on open
LOCLimit on Close
MAOMarket at Open
MACMarket at close
MOOMarket on open
MOCMarket on close
MPTMerger related transfer position
MQTMinimum quantity
MTLMarket to limit
NDDelivery instructions - next day
NHNot held
OPTOptions related transaction
OVDOver the day
RSVReserve size order
S.WStop stock transaction
SLRDelivery instructions - sellers option
TMOTime order
TSTrailing stop
F0Stay on offerside
F3Go along
F6Participate do not initiate
F7Strict scale
F8Try to scale
F9Stay on bidside
FANo cross
FBOK to cross
FCCall first
FDPercent of volume
FHReinstate on system failure
FIInstitution only
FJReinstate on trading halt
FKCancel on trading half
FLLast peg
FMMid-price peg
FOOpening peg
FPMarket peg
FQCancel on system failure
FRPrimary peg
FTFixed peg to local best bid or offer at time of order
FXTrade along
FYTry to stop
FZCancel if not best
FbStrict limit
FcIgnore price validity checks
FdPeg to Limit Price
FeWork to target strategy
GG Order(FINRA OATS), FCM API or FIX(FIA Execution Source)