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1839 TradePriceCondition

Type: Int

Price conditions in effect at the time of the trade. Multiple price conditions can be in effect at the same time. Price conditions are usually required to be reported in markets that have regulations on price execution at a market or national best bid or offer, and the trade price differs from the best bid or offer.


0Special cum dividend (CD)
1Special cum rights (CR)
2Special ex dividend (XD)
3Special ex rights (XR)
4Special cum coupon (CC)
5Special cum capital repayments (CP)
6Special ex coupon (XC)
7Special ex capital repayments (XP)
8Cash settlement (CS)
9Special cum bonus (CB)
10Special price (SP)
11Special ex bonus (XB)
12Guaranteed delivery (GD)
13Special dividend
14Price improvement
15Non-price forming trade
16Trade exempted from trading obligation
17Price or strike price is pending
18Price is not applicable