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378 ExecRestatementReason

Type: Int

Code to identify reason for an Execution Report <35=8> message sent with ExecType (150)='Restated' or used when communicating an unsolicited cancel.


0GT corporate action
1GT renewal / restatement (no corporate action)
2Verbal change
3Repricing of order
4Broker option
5Partial decline of OrderQty (e.g. exchange initiated partial cancel)
6Cancel on Trading Halt
7Cancel on System Failure
8Market (Exchange) option
9Canceled, not best
10Warehouse Recap
11Peg Refresh
12Cancel On Connection Loss
13Cancel On Logout
14Assign Time Priority
15Cancelled, Trade Price Violation
16Cancelled, Cross Imbalance
17Cancelled, self-match prevention
18Cancelled, self-match prevention aggressive order
19Cancelled, self-match prevention passive order
20Cancelled, self-match prevention aggressive and passive order