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Number of entries following.

Number of entries in Market Data message.
279Char Enum
Must be first field in this repeating group
285Char EnumIf MDUpdateAction = Delete(2), can be used to specify a reason for the deletion
269Char EnumConditionally required if MDUpdateAction = New(0). Cannot be changed
278StringIf specified, must be unique among currently active entries if MDUpdateAction = New (0), must be the same as a previous MDEntryID if MDUpdateAction = Delete (2), and must be the same as a previous MDEntryID if MDUpdateAction = Change (1) and MDEntryRefID is not specified, or must be unique among currently active entries if MDUpdateAction = Change(1) and MDEntryRefID is specified.
280StringIf MDUpdateAction = New(0), for the first Market Data Entry in a message, either this field or a Symbol must be specified. If MDUpdateAction = Change(1), this must refer to a previous MDEntryID
55StringEither Symbol or MDEntryRefID must be specified if MDUpdateAction = New(0) for the first Market Data Entry in a message. For subsequent Market Data Entries where MDUpdateAction = New(0), the default is the instrument used in the previous Market Data Entry if neither Symbol nor MDEntryRefID are specified, or in the case of options and futures, the previous instrument with changes specified in MaturityMonthYear, MaturityDay, PutOrCall, StrikePrice, OptAttribute, and SecurityExchange. May not be changed
65StringMay not be changed
48StringMay not be changed
22String EnumMay not be changed
167String EnumMust be specified if a Future or Option. If a Future: Symbol, SecurityType, and MaturityMonthYear are required. If an Option: Symbol, SecurityType, MaturityMonthYear, PutOrCall, and StrikePrice are required. May not be changed
200MonthYearSpecifies the month and year of maturity. Required if MaturityDay is specified. May not be changed
205DayOfMonthCan be used in conjunction with MaturityMonthYear to specify a particular maturity date. May not be changed
201Int EnumFor Options. May not be changed
202PriceFor Options. May not be changed
206CharFor Options. May not be changed
231FloatFor Fixed Income, Convertible Bonds, Derivatives, etc. Note: If used, quantities should be expressed in the "nominal" (e.g. contracts vs. shares) amount
223FloatFor Fixed Income
207ExchangeCan be used to identify the security. May not be changed
106StringMay not be changed
348IntMust be set if EncodedIssuer field is specified and must immediately precede it
349DataEncoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Issuer field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field
107StringMay not be changed
350IntMust be set if EncodedSecurityDesc field is specified and must immediately precede it
351DataEncoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the SecurityDesc field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field
291Char Enum
292Char Enum
270PriceConditionally required when MDUpdateAction = New(0)
15CurrencyCan be used to specify the currency of the quoted price
271QuantityConditionally required when MDUpdateAction = New(0) andMDEntryType = Bid(0), Offer(1), or Trade(2)
274Char Enum
275ExchangeMarket posting quote / trade. Valid values: See Appendix C
276String EnumSpace-delimited list of conditions describing a quote
277String EnumSpace-delimited list of conditions describing a trade
286Char EnumUsed if MDEntryType = Opening Price(4), Closing Price(5), or Settlement Price(6)
59Char EnumFor optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order
432LocalMktDateFor optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order. ExpireDate and ExpireTime cannot both be specified in one Market Data Entry
126UTCTimestampFor optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order. ExpireDate and ExpireTime cannot both be specified in one Market Data Entry
110QuantityFor optional use when this Bid or Offer represents an order
18String EnumCan contain multiple instructions, space delimited
37StringFor optional use when this Bid, Offer, or Trade represents an order
299StringFor optional use when this Bid, Offer, or Trade represents a quote
288StringFor optional use in reporting Trades
289StringFor optional use in reporting Trades
346IntIn an Aggregated Book, used to show how many individual orders make up an MDEntry
290IntDisplay position of a bid or offer, numbered from most competitive to least competitive, per market side, beginning with 1
387QuantityTotal volume traded in this trading session for this security
58StringText to describe the Market Data Entry. Part of repeating group
354IntMust be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it
355DataEncoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field