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233 StipulationType

Type: String

For Fixed Income. Type of Stipulation. Other types may be used by mutual agreement of the counterparties.

(Note tag # was reserved in FIX 4.1, added in FIX 4.3)


AMTAlternative Minimum Tax (Y/N)
AUTOREINVAuto Reinvestment at <rate> or better
BANKQUALBank qualified (Y/N)
BGNCONBargain conditions (see StipulationValue (234) for values)
COUPONCoupon range
CUSTOMDATECustom start/end date
GEOGGeographics and % range (ex. 234=CA 0-80 [minimum of 80% California assets])
HAIRCUTValuation Discount
INSUREDInsured (Y/N)
ISSUEYear Or Year/Month of Issue (ex. 234=2002/09)
ISSUERIssuer's ticker
ISSUESIZEissue size range
LOOKBACKLookback Days
LOTExplicit lot identifier
LOTVARLot Variance (value in percent maximum over- or under-allocation allowed)
MATMaturity Year And Month
MATURITYMaturity range
MAXSUBSMaximum substitutions (Repo)
MINDNOMMinimum denomination
MININCRMinimum increment
MINQTYMinimum quantity
PAYFREQPayment frequency, calendar
PIECESNumber Of Pieces
PMAXPools Maximum
PPLPools per Lot
PPMPools per Million
PPTPools per Trade
PRICEPrice Range
PRICEFREQPricing frequency
PRODProduction Year
PROTECTCall protection
PXSOURCEBenchmark price source
RATINGRating source and range
REDEMPTIONType Of Redemption - values are: NonCallable, Prefunded, EscrowedToMaturity, Putable, Convertible
RESTRICTEDRestricted (Y/N)
SECTORMarket Sector
SECTYPESecurity Type included or excluded
SUBSFREQSubstitutions frequency (Repo)
SUBSLEFTSubstitutions left (Repo)
TEXTFreeform Text
TRDVARTrade Variance (value in percent maximum over- or under-allocation allowed)
WACWeighted Average Coupon - value in percent (exact or range) plus "Gross" or "Net" of servicing spread (the default) (ex. 234=6.5-Net [minimum of 6.5% net of servicing fee])
WALWeighted Average Life Coupon - value in percent (exact or range)
WALAWeighted Average Loan Age - value in months (exact or range)
WAMWeighted Average Maturity - value in months (exact or range)
WHOLEWhole Pool (Y/N)
YIELDYield Range
ORIGAMTOriginal amount
POOLEFFDTPool effective date
POOLINITFCTRPool initial factor
TRANCHETranche identifier
SUBSTITUTIONSubstitution (Y/N)
MULTEXCHFLLBCKMultiple exchange fallback (Y/N)
COMPSECFLLBCKComponent security fallback (Y/N)
LOCLJRSDCTNLocal jurisdiction (Y/N)
RELVJRSDCTNRelevant jurisdiction (Y/N)
INCURRCVYIncurred recovery (Y/N)
ADDTRMAdditional term
MODEQTYDLVYModified equity delivery
NOREFOBLIGNo reference obligation (Y/N)
UNKREFOBLIGUnknown reference obligation (Y/N)
ALLGUARANTEESAll guarantees (Y/N)
REFPXReference price (Y/N)
REFPOLICYReference policy (Y/N)
SECRDLISTSecured list (Y/N)
AVFICOAverage FICO Score
AVSIZEAverage Loan Size
MAXBALMaximum Loan Balance
POOLPool Identifier
ROLLTYPEType of Roll trade
REFTRADEReference to rolling or closing trade
REFPRINPrincipal to rolling or closing trade
REFINTInterest of rolling or closing trade
AVAILQTYAvailable offer quantity to be shown to the street
BROKERCREDITBroker's sales credit
INTERNALPXOffer price to be shown to internal brokers
INTERNALQTYOffer quantity to be shown to internal brokers
LEAVEQTYThe minimum residual offer quantity
MAXORDQTYMaximum order size
ORDRINCROrder quantity increment
PRIMARYPrimary or Secondary market indicator
SALESCREDITOVRBroker sales credit override
TRADERCREDITTrader's credit
DISCOUNTDiscount Rate (when price is denominated in percent of par)
YTMYield to Maturity (when YieldType(235) and Yield(236) show a different yield)
PAYOFFInterest payoff of rolling or amending trade
ABSAbsolute Prepayment Speed
CPPConstant Prepayment Penalty
CPRConstant Prepayment Rate
CPYConstant Prepayment Yield
HEPfinal CPR of Home Equity Prepayment Curve
MHPPercent of Manufactured Housing Prepayment Curve
MPRMonthly Prepayment Rate
PPCPercent of Prospectus Prepayment Curve
PSAPercent of BMA Prepayment Curve
SMMSingle Monthly Mortality