Sub-scope of the statistics to further reduce the entities used as basis for the statistics.
Code | Meaning |
1 | Visible |
2 | Hidden |
3 | Indicative |
4 | Tradeable |
5 | Passive |
6 | Market consensus |
7 | Power |
8 | Hardware error |
9 | Software error |
10 | Network error |
11 | Failed |
12 | Executed |
13 | Entered |
14 | Modified |
15 | Cancelled |
16 | Market data access |
17 | Terminal access |
18 | Volume |
19 | Cleared |
20 | Settled |
21 | Other |
22 | Monetary |
23 | Non-monetary |
24 | Gross |
25 | Large in scale |
26 | Neither hidden nor large in scale |
27 | Corporate action |
28 | Venue decision |
29 | Minimum time period |
30 | Open |
31 | Not executed |
32 | Aggressive |
33 | Directed |