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2670 TrdRegPublicationReason

Type: Int

Additional reason for trade publication type specified in TrdRegPublicationType (2669).

Reasons may be specific to regulatory trade publication rules.


0No preceding order in book as transaction price set within average spread of a liquid instrument
1No preceding order in book as transaction price depends on system-set reference price for an illiquid instrument
2No preceding order in book as transaction price is for transaction subject to conditions other than current market price
3No public price for preceding order as public reference price was used for matching orders
4No public price quoted as instrument is illiquid
5No public price quoted due to "Size"
6Deferral due to "Large in Scale"
7Deferral due to "Illiquid Instrument"
8Deferral due to "Size Specific"
9No public price and/or size quoted as transaction is "large in scale"
10No public price and/or size quoted due to order being hidden
11Exempted due to securities financing transaction
12Exempted due to European System of Central Banks (ESCB) policy transaction
13Exception due to report by paper
14Exception due to trade with non-reporting party
15Exception due to intra-firm order
16Reported outside of reporting hours
17No public price quoted due to usage of a pre-trade transparency waiver