Reason Quote was rejected:
Code | Meaning |
1 | Unknown symbol (security) |
2 | Exchange (security) closed |
3 | Quote Request exceeds limit |
4 | Too late to enter |
5 | Unknown quote |
6 | Duplicate quote |
7 | Invalid bid/ask spread |
8 | Invalid price |
9 | Not authorized to quote security |
10 | Price exceeds current price band |
11 | Quote locked - unable to update/cancel |
12 | Invalid or unknown security issuer |
13 | Invalid or unknown issuer of underlying security |
14 | Notional value exceeds threshold |
15 | Price exceeds current price band |
16 | Reference price not available |
17 | Insufficient credit limit |
18 | Exceeded clip size limit |
19 | Exceeded maximum notional order amount |
20 | Exceeded DV01/PV01 limit |
21 | Exceeded CS01 limit |
99 | Other |