For CIV - a code identifying the type of tax exempt account in which purchased shares/units are to be held.
Code | Meaning |
0 | None/Not Applicable (default) |
1 | Maxi ISA (UK) |
2 | TESSA (UK) |
3 | Mini Cash ISA (UK) |
4 | Mini Stocks And Shares ISA (UK) |
5 | Mini Insurance ISA (UK) |
6 | Current Year Payment (US) |
7 | Prior Year Payment (US) |
8 | Asset Transfer (US) |
9 | Employee - prior year (US) |
10 | Employee - current year (US) |
11 | Employer - prior year (US) |
12 | Employer - current year (US) |
13 | Non-fund prototype IRA (US) |
14 | Non-fund qualified plan (US) |
15 | Defined contribution plan (US) |
16 | Individual Retirement Account (US) |
17 | Individual Retirement Account - Rollover (US) |
18 | KEOGH (US) |
19 | Profit Sharing Plan (US) |
20 | 401(k) (US) |
21 | Self-directed IRA (US) |
22 | 403(b) (US) |
23 | 457 (US) |
24 | Roth IRA (Fund Prototype) (US) |
25 | Roth IRA (Non-prototype) (US) |
26 | Roth Conversion IRA (Fund Prototype) (US) |
27 | Roth Conversion IRA (Non-prototype) (US) |
28 | Education IRA (Fund Prototype) (US) |
29 | Education IRA (Non-prototype) (US) |
999 | Other |