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495 TaxAdvantageType

Type: Int

For CIV - a code identifying the type of tax exempt account in which purchased shares/units are to be held.


0None/Not Applicable (default)
1Maxi ISA (UK)
3Mini Cash ISA (UK)
4Mini Stocks And Shares ISA (UK)
5Mini Insurance ISA (UK)
6Current Year Payment (US)
7Prior Year Payment (US)
8Asset Transfer (US)
9Employee - prior year (US)
10Employee - current year (US)
11Employer - prior year (US)
12Employer - current year (US)
13Non-fund prototype IRA (US)
14Non-fund qualified plan (US)
15Defined contribution plan (US)
16Individual Retirement Account (US)
17Individual Retirement Account - Rollover (US)
19Profit Sharing Plan (US)
20401(k) (US)
21Self-directed IRA (US)
22403(b) (US)
23457 (US)
24Roth IRA (Fund Prototype) (US)
25Roth IRA (Non-prototype) (US)
26Roth Conversion IRA (Fund Prototype) (US)
27Roth Conversion IRA (Non-prototype) (US)
28Education IRA (Fund Prototype) (US)
29Education IRA (Non-prototype) (US)