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574 MatchType

Type: String

The point in the matching process at which this trade was matched.


1One-Party Trade Report (privately negotiated trade)
2Two-Party Trade Report (privately negotiated trade)
3Confirmed Trade Report (reporting from recognized markets)
5Cross Auction
6Counter-Order Selection
7Call Auction
8Issuing/Buy Back Auction
9Systematic Internaliser (SI)
10Auto-match with last look
11Cross auction with last look
M3ACT Accepted Trade
M4ACT Default Trade
M5ACT Default After M2
M6ACT M6 Match
A1Exact match on Trade Date, Stock Symbol, Quantity, Price, Trade Type, and Special Trade Indicator plus four badges and execution time (within two-minute window)
A2Exact match on Trade Date, Stock Symbol, Quantity, Price, Trade Type, and Special Trade Indicator, plus four badges
A3Exact match on Trade Date, Stock Symbol, Quantity, Price, Trade Type, and Special Trade Indicator, plus two badges and execution time (within two-minute window)
A4Exact match on Trade Date, Stock Symbol, Quantity, Price, Trade Type, and Special Trade Indicator, plus two badges
A5Exact match on Trade Date, Stock Symbol, Quantity, Price, TradeType, and Special Trade Indicator plus execution time (within two-minute window)
AQCompared records resulting from stamped advisories or specialist accepts/pair-offs
S1Summarized match using A1 exact match criteria except quantity is summaried
S2Summarized match using A2 exact match criteria except quantity is summarized
S3Summarized match using A3 exact match criteria except quantity is summarized
S4Summarized match using A4 exact match criteria except quantity is summarized
S5Summarized match using A5 exact match criteria except quantity is summarized
M1Exact match on Trade Date, Stock Symbol, Quantity, Price, Trade Type, and Special Trade Indicator minus badges And times: ACT M1 match
M2Summarized match minus badges and times: ACT M2 Match
MTOCS Locked In: Non-ACT