The price type of the LegBenchmarkPrice (679).
See BenchmarkPriceType (663) for description and valid values.
Code | Meaning |
1 | Percentage (i.e. percent of par) (often called "dollar price" for fixed income) |
2 | Per unit (i.e. per share or contract) |
3 | Fixed amount (absolute value) |
4 | Discount - percentage points below par |
5 | Premium - percentage points over par |
6 | Spread (basis points spread) |
7 | TED Price |
8 | TED Yield |
9 | Yield |
10 | Fixed cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options) |
11 | Variable cabinet trade price (primarily for listed futures and options) |
12 | Price spread |
13 | Product ticks in halves |
14 | Product ticks in fourths |
15 | Product ticks in eighths |
16 | Product ticks in sixteenths |
17 | Product ticks in thirty-seconds |
18 | Product ticks in sixty-fourths |
19 | Product ticks in one-twenty-eighths |
20 | Normal rate representation (e.g. FX rate) |
21 | Inverse rate representation (e.g. FX rate) |
22 | Basis points |
23 | Up front points |
24 | Interest rate |
25 | Percentage of notional |