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703 PosType

Type: String

Used to identify the type of quantity that is being returned.


ALCAllocation Trade Qty
ASOption Assignment
ASFAs-of Trade Qty
DLVDelivery Qty
ETRElectronic Trade Qty
EXOption Exercise Qty
FINEnd-of-Day Qty
IASIntra-spread Qty
IESInter-spread Qty
PAAdjustment Qty
PITPit Trade Qty
SODStart-of-Day Qty
SPLIntegral Split
TATransaction from Assignment
TOTTotal Transaction Qty
TQTransaction Quantity
TRFTransfer Trade Qty
TXTransaction from Exercise
XMCross Margin Qty
RCVReceive Quantity
CAACorporate Action Adjustment
DNDelivery Notice Qty
EPExchange for Physical Qty
PNTNPrivately negotiated Trade Qty (Non-regulated)
DLTNet Delta Qty
CEACredit Event Adjustment
SEASuccession Event Adjustment
NETNet Qty
GRSGross Qty
ITDIntraday Qty
NDASGross non-delta-adjusted swaption position
DASDelta-adjusted paired swaption position
EXPExpiring quantity
UNEXQuantity not exercised
REQRequested exercise quantity
CFECash futures equivalent quantity
SECLNLoan or borrowed quantity