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828 TrdType

Type: Int

Type of Trade.


0Regular trade
1Block trade
2Exchange for physical (EFP)
4Late trade
5T trade
6Weighted average price trade
7Bunched trade
8Late bunched trade
9Prior reference price trade
10After hours trade
11Exchange for risk (EFR)
12Exchange for swap (EFS)
13Exchange of futures for in market futures (EFM)
14Exchange of options for options (EOO)
15Trading at settlement
16All or none
17Futures large order execution
18Exchange of futures for external market futures (EFF)
19Option interim trade
20Option cabinet trade
22Privately negotiated trade
23Substitution of futures for forwards
48Non-standard settlement
49Derivative related transaction
50Portfolio trade
51Volume weighted average trade
52Exchange granted trade
53Repurchase agreement
55Exchange basis facility (EBF)
56Opening trade
57Netted trade
58Block swap trade
59Credit event trade
60Succession event trade
61Give-up Give-in trade
62Dark trade
63Technical trade
65Package trade
66Roll trade
67Closing price trade
24Error trade
25Special cum dividend (CD)
26Special ex dividend (XD)
27Special cum coupon (CC)
28Special ex coupon (XC)
29Cash settlement (CS)
30Special price (SP)
31Guaranteed delivery (GD)
32Special cum rights (CR)
33Special ex rights (XR)
34Special cum capital repayments (CP)
35Special ex capital repayments (XP)
36Special cum bonus (CB)
37Special ex bonus (XB)
38Block trade
39Worked principal trade
40Block trades
41Name change
42Portfolio transfer
43Prorogation buy
44Prorogation sell
45Option exercise
46Delta neutral transaction
47Financing transaction