Identifies class or source of the SecurityID (48) value. Required if SecurityID (48) is specified.
Code | Meaning |
1 | CUSIP |
2 | SEDOL |
3 | QUIK |
4 | ISIN number |
5 | RIC code |
6 | ISO Currency Code |
7 | ISO Country Code |
8 | Exchange Symbol |
9 | Consolidated Tape Association (CTA) Symbol (SIAC CTS/CQS line format) |
A | Bloomberg Symbol |
B | Wertpapier |
C | Dutch |
D | Valoren |
E | Sicovam |
F | Belgian |
G | "Common" (Clearstream and Euroclear) |
H | Clearing House / Clearing Organization |
I | ISDA/FpML Product Specification |
J | Options Price Reporting Authority |