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235 YieldType

Type: String

Type of yield.


AFTERTAXAfter Tax Yield (Municipals)
ANNUALAnnual Yield
ATISSUEYield At Issue (Municipals)
AVGMATURITYYield To Average Maturity
BOOKBook Yield
CALLYield to Next Call
CHANGEYield Change Since Close
CLOSEClosing Yield
COMPOUNDCompound Yield
CURRENTCurrent Yield
GROSSTrue Gross Yield
GOVTEQUIVGovernment Equivalent Yield
INFLATIONYield with Inflation Assumption
INVERSEFLOATERInverse Floater Bond Yield
LASTCLOSEMost Recent Closing Yield
LASTMONTHClosing Yield Most Recent Month
LASTQUARTERClosing Yield Most Recent Quarter
LASTYEARClosing Yield Most Recent Year
LONGAVGLIFEYield to Longest Average Life
MARKMark To Market Yield
MATURITYYield to Maturity
NEXTREFUNDYield To Next Refund (Sinking Fund Bonds)
OPENAVGOpen Average Yield
PUTYield to Next Put
PREVCLOSEPrevious Close Yield
PROCEEDSProceeds Yield
SEMIANNUALSemi-annual Yield
SHORTAVGLIFEYield to Shortest Average Life
SIMPLESimple Yield
TAXEQUIVTax Equivalent Yield
TENDERYield to Tender Date
TRUETrue Yield
VALUE1/32Yield Value Of 1/32
WORSTYield To Worst