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UTCTimestamp Data Type


UTCTimestamp fields contain a date and time in the UTC timezone. There are 2 valid formats:

  • yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss
  • yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS

With the sections of the format defined below

CodeMeaningValid range
MMMonth of year01-12
ddDay of month01-31
HHHour of day00-23
mmMinute of hour00-59
ssSecond of minute00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second)
SSSFractions of seconds

The fractions of seconds, including the period, may be omitted. The fraction may include 3 digits to convey milliseconds, 6 digits to convey microseconds, 9 digits to convey nanoseconds, 12 digits to convey picoseconds; Other number of digits may be used with bilateral agreement.

Note that UTC includes corrections for leap seconds, which are inserted to account for slowing of the rotation of the earth. Leap second insertion is declared by the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) and has, since 1972, only occurred on the night of 31st December or 30th June. The IERS considers 31st March and 30th September as secondary dates for leap second insertion, but has never utilized these dates.

For example, during a leap second insertion, a UTCTimestamp field may read “19981231-23:59:59”, “19981231-23:59:60”, “19990101-00:00:00”.


2024010201:02:03.444Literal dash omitted
20240102-010203.444Literal colons omitted