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1008 SideTrdSubType

Type: Int

Used on a multi-sided trade to specify the type of trade for a given side.

Same values as TrdSubType (829).


1Internal transfer or adjustment
2External transfer or transfer of account
3Reject for submitting side
4Advisory for contra side
5Offset due to an allocation
6Onset due to an allocation
7Differential spread
8Implied spread leg executed against an outright
9Transaction from exercise
10Transaction from assignment
33Off Hours Trade
34On Hours Trade
35OTC Quote
36Converted SWAP
40Wash Trade
41Trade at Settlement (TAS)
42Auction Trade
43Trade at Marker (TAM)
44Default (Credit Event)
45Restructuring (credit event)
46Merger (succession event)
47Spin-off (succession event)
48Multilateral compression
51Basis Trade index Close (BTIC)
52Trade At Cash Open (TACO)
53Trade submitted to venue for clearing and settlement
54Bilateral compression
14AI (Automated input facility disabled in response to an exchange request.)
15B (Transaction between two member firms where neither member firm is registered as a market maker in the security in question and neither is a designated fund manager. Also used by broker dealers when dealing with another broker which is not a member firm. Non-order book securities only.)
16K (Transaction using block trade facility.)
17LC (Correction submitted more than three days after publication of the original trade report.)
18M (Transaction, other than a transaction resulting from a stock swap or stock switch, between two market makers registered in that security including IDB or a public display system trades. Non-order book securities only.)
19N (Non-protected portfolio transaction or a fully disclosed portfolio transaction)
20NM ( i) transaction where Exchange has granted permission for non-publication
21NR (Non-risk transaction in a SEATS security other than an AIM security)
22P (Protected portfolio transaction or a worked principal agreement to effect a portfolio transaction which includes order book securities)
23PA (Protected transaction notification)
24PC (Contra trade for transaction which took place on a previous day and which was automatically executed on the Exchange trading system)
25PN (Worked principal notification for a portfolio transaction which includes order book securities)
26R ( (i) riskless principal transaction between non-members where the buying and selling transactions are executed at different prices or on different terms (requires a trade report with trade type indicator R for each transaction)
27RO (Transaction which resulted from the exercise of a traditional option or a stock-settled covered warrant)
28RT (Risk transaction in a SEATS security, (excluding AIM security) reported by a market maker registered in that security)
29SW (Transactions resulting from stock swap or a stock switch (one report is required for each line of stock))
30T (If reporting a single protected transaction)
31WN (Worked principal notification for a single order book security)
32WT (Worked principal transaction (other than a portfolio transaction))
37Crossed Trade (X)
38Interim Protected Trade (I)
39Large in Scale (L)