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The number of quotes for this Symbol (QuoteSet) that follow in this message.

The number of quote entries for a QuoteSet.
299StringUniquely identifies the quote as part of a QuoteSet. First field in repeating group. Required if NoQuoteEntries > 0
22String Enum
167String EnumMust be specified if a Future or Option. If a Future: Symbol, SecurityType, and MaturityMonthYear are required. If an Option: Symbol, SecurityType, MaturityMonthYear, PutOrCall, and StrikePrice are required
200MonthYearSpecifies the month and year of maturity. Required if MaturityDay is specified
205DayOfMonthCan be used in conjunction with MaturityMonthYear to specify a particular maturity date
201Int EnumFor Options
202PriceFor Options
206CharFor Options
231FloatFor Fixed Income, Convertible Bonds, Derivatives, etc. Note: If used, quantities should be expressed in the "nominal" (e.g. contracts vs. shares) amount
223FloatFor Fixed Income
207ExchangeCan be used to identify the security
348IntMust be set if EncodedIssuer field is specified and must immediately precede it
349DataEncoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Issuer field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field
350IntMust be set if EncodedSecurityDesc field is specified and must immediately precede it
351DataEncoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the SecurityDesc field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field
368Int EnumReason Quote Entry was rejected