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AD Trade Capture Report Request

The Trade Capture Report Request can be used to:

The following criteria can be specified

Each field in the Trade Capture Report Request (other than TradeRequestID (568) and SubscriptionRequestType (263)) identify filters - trade reports that satisfy all specified filters will be returned. Note that the filters are combined using an implied "and" - a trade report must satisfy every specified filter to be returned.

The optional date or time range-specific filter criteria (within NoDates (580) repeating group) can be used in one of two modes:

The response to a Trade Capture Report Request can be:


Identifier for the trade request
569Int Enum
263Char EnumUsed to subscribe / unsubscribe for trade capture reports If the field is absent, the value 0 will be the default (snapshot only - no subscription)
571StringTo request a specific trade report
818StringTo request a specific trade report
150Char EnumTo requst all trades of a specific execution type
573Char Enum
828Int EnumTo request all trades of a specific trade type
829IntTo request all trades of a specific trade sub type
830StringTo request all trades for a specific transfer reason
855IntTo request all trades of a specific trade sub type
820StringTo request all trades of a specific trade link id
880StringTo request a trade matching a specific TrdMatchID
ComponentUsed to specify the parties for the trades to be returned (clearing firm, execution broker, trader id, etc.) ExecutingBroker ClearingFirm ContraBroker ContraClearingFirm SettlementLocation - depository, CSD, or other settlement party ExecutingTrader InitiatingTrader OrderOriginator
ComponentThe set of "Instrument" (symbology) fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
ComponentThe set of "InstrumentExtension" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
ComponentThe set of "FinancingDetails" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
ComponentIndicates number of repeating entries. ** Nested Repeating Group follows **
ComponentIndicates number of repeating entries. ** Nested Repeating Group follows **
ComponentNumber of date ranges provided (must be 1 or 2 if specified)
715LocalMktDateTo request trades for a specific clearing business date
336StringTo request trades for a specific trading session
625StringTo request trades for a specific trading session
943StringTo request trades within a specific time bracket
54Char EnumTo request trades for a specific side of a trade
442Char EnumUsed to indicate if trades are to be returned for the individual legs of a multileg instrument or for the overall instrument
578StringTo requests trades that were submitted from a specific trade input source
579StringTo request trades that were submitted from a specific trade input device
725Int EnumAbility to specify whether the response to the request should be delivered inband or via pre-arranged out-of-band transport
726StringURI destination name. Used if ResponseTransportType is out-of-band
58StringUsed to match specific values within Text fields