This message provides a central counterparty, institution, or individual counterparty with a capacity for reporting the final details of a currency settlement obligation. The settlement obligation is intended to be used for auxiliary reporting of settlement details that will be conducted over SWIFT or CLS in order to affect the instructions.
The structure is designed to allow multiple FX deals to be aggregated and netted into a single instruction to simplify the reporting process.
This message can be used in one of two modes, with SettlObligMode (1159):
See VOLUME 7 - "PRODUCT: FOREIGN EXCHANGE" section for more detailed usage notes for this message type.
Tag | Name | Type | Required | Description |
Component | ||||
Component | ||||
715 | LocalMktDate | |||
1153 | Int | Settlement cycle in which the settlement obligation was generated
| ||
1160 | String | Unique identifier for this message
| ||
1159 | Int Enum | Used to identify the reporting mode of the settlement obligation which is either preliminary or final
| ||
58 | String | Can be used to provide any additional rejection text where rejecting a Settlement Instruction Request message
| ||
354 | Length | |||
355 | Data | |||
60 | UTCTimestamp | Time when the Settlemnt Obligation Report was created
| ||
Component | ||||
Component |