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Group of order transactions across one or more instruments.

Number of order entries.
2429Char EnumRequired if NoOrderEntries(2428) > 0
2430IntUnique order entry identification across all entries of a single message. Conditionally required when neither ClOrdID(11) nor OrderID(37) is provided
11StringConditionally required when neither OrderEntryID(2430) nor OrderID(37) is provided
41StringConditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) is not "1" (Add), ClOrdID(11) was provided in original order, and message-chaining model is used
37StringConditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) is not "1" (Add) and neither OrderEntryID(2430) nor ClOrdID(11) is provided
40Char EnumConditionally required when OrderEntryAction (2429) = 1 (Add) or 2 (Modify). Only a subset of OrdType(40) values permitted that do not require additional pricing fields other than Price(44) field
44PriceConditionally required when OrdType(40) = 2 (Limit)
54Char EnumConditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) = 1 (Add) or 2 (Modify)
59Char EnumOnly subset of values permitted that do not require additional fields
ComponentConditionally required when OrderEntryAction(2429) = 1 (Add) or 2 (Modify)
ComponentRequired if NoOrderEntries(2432) > 0