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This new block is a repeating group based on the existing block with an additional field RiskLimitStatus(1763) to accept (with or without changes) or reject individual risk limits. It is only used in PartyRiskLimitDefinitionRequestAck, the response to the request to define risk limits. An approval with changes requires to send with the complete set of risk limits that have been accepted for the party defined.

Number of party risk limits.
1324Char EnumRequired if NoPartyRiskLimits(1677) > 0
1763Int EnumRequired if NoPartyRiskLimits(1677) > 0
1764Int Enum
ComponentConditionally required when RiskLimitID(1670) is not provided
ComponentConditionally required when RiskLimitStatus(1763) = 1(Accepted with changes) and must then be complete, i.e. omissions compared to the request represent risk limits that were removed, additional risk limits are possible
1670StringConditionally required when PartyDetailGrp component is not provided
2339Int Enum
1664LengthMust be set if EncodedRejectText(1665) field is specified and must immediately precede it
1665DataEncoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText(1328) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field
2355Int Enum