11 | | String | | Order identifier assigned by client if order(s) were electronically delivered over FIX (or otherwise assigned a ClOrdID) and executed. If order(s) were manually delivered (or otherwise not delivered over FIX) this field should contain string "MANUAL". Note where an order has undergone one or more cancel/replaces, this should be the ClOrdID of the most recent version of the order
37 | | String | | |
198 | | String | | Can be used to provide order id used by exchange or executing system
526 | | String | | |
66 | | String | | Required for List Orders
| | Component | | This is used to identify the executing broker for step in/give in trades
38 | | Quantity | | |
799 | | Price | | Average price for this order
800 | | Quantity | | Quantity of this order that is being booked out by this message (will be equal to or less than this order's OrderQty)
40 | | Char Enum | | |