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Number of settlement instructions within repeating group.
162StringUnique ID for this settlement instruction
163Char EnumNew, Replace, Cancel or Restate
214StringRequired where SettlInstTransType is Cancel or Replace
ComponentUsed here for settlement location
54Char EnumCan be used for SettleInstMode 1 if SSIs are being provided for a particular side
460Int EnumCan be used for SettleInstMode 1 if SSIs are being provided for a particular product
167String EnumCan be used for SettleInstMode 1 if SSIs are being provided for a particular security type (as alternative to CFICode)
461StringCan be used for SettleInstMode 1 if SSIs are being provided for a particular CFI (as identified by CFI code)
2891StringCan be used for SettleInstMode 1 if SSIs are being provided for a particular UPI (as identified by UPI code)
120CurrencyCan be used for SettleInstMode 1 if SSIs are being provided for a particular settlement currency
2899String Enum
168UTCTimestampEffective (start) date/time for this settlement instruction
126UTCTimestampTermination date/time for this settlement instruction
779UTCTimestampDate/time this settlement instruction was last updated (or created if not updated since creation)
492Int EnumFor use with CIV settlement instructions
476StringFor use with CIV settlement instructions
488StringFor use with CIV settlement instructions
489StringFor use with CIV settlement instructions
503LocalMktDateFor use with CIV settlement instructions
490LocalMktDateFor use with CIV settlement instructions
491StringFor use with CIV settlement instructions
504LocalMktDateFor use with CIV settlement instructions
505StringFor use with CIV settlement instructions