54 | | Char Enum | | Required when NoSides(552) > 0
2102 | | Boolean | | |
1427 | | String | | |
1428 | | Int | | |
1429 | | Int Enum | | |
1009 | | Quantity | | |
1597 | | Price | | Used to indicate a side specific alternate clearing price
1599 | | Price | | Used to indicate the Price Differential between the first and second leg of a complex instrument
1598 | | Int Enum | | Used to indicate whether the trade is clearing using execution price (LastPx) or alternate clearing price (ClrTrdPx)
1005 | | String | | |
1506 | | String | | |
1507 | | String | | |
1006 | | String | | |
1007 | | String | | |
83 | | Int | | |
1008 | | Int Enum | | |
430 | | Int Enum | | |
1154 | | Currency | | |
2901 | | String Enum | | |
1155 | | Currency | | |
2902 | | String Enum | | |
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | PartyDetailID(1619) must reference an existing entry in Parties component or a previous entry in RelatedPartyDetailGrp. The instance must have the same role as the referenced entry. The embedded RelatedPartyDetailID(1563) should introduce a new party identifier not previously reported
1 | | String | | Required for executions against electronically submitted orders which were assigned an account by the institution or intermediary
660 | | Int Enum | | |
581 | | Int Enum | | |
522 | | Int Enum | | |
| | Component | | The set of "LimitAmts" fields defined in "Common Components"
81 | | Char Enum | | Used to specify Step-out trades
575 | | Boolean Enum | | |
| | Component | | |
635 | | String Enum | | |
| | Component | | |
2671 | | Int Enum | | May be used to bilaterally inform counterparty of trade reporting status for this side of the trade
2418 | | String | | |
578 | | String | | |
579 | | String | | |
376 | | String | | |
2404 | | String | | |
2351 | | Length | | Must be set if EncodedComplianceText(2352) field is specified and must immediately precede it
2352 | | Data | | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the ComplianceText(2404) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding(347) field
377 | | Boolean Enum | | |
582 | | Int Enum | | The customer capacity for this trade
336 | | String Enum | | Usually the same for all sides of a trade, if reported only on the first side the same TradingSessionID(336) then applies to all sides of the trade
625 | | String Enum | | Usually the same for all sides of a trade, if reported only on the first side the same TradingSessionSubID(625) then applies to all sides of the trade
943 | | String | | |
2356 | | Int Enum | | |
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | Use as an alternative to CommissionData if multiple commissions or enhanced attributes are needed
157 | | Int | | |
230 | | LocalMktDate | | |
158 | | Percentage | | |
159 | | Amount | | |
738 | | Amount | | |
920 | | Amount | | For repurchase agreements the accrued interest on termination
921 | | Amount | | For repurchase agreements the start (dirty) cash consideration
922 | | Amount | | For repurchase agreements the end (dirty) cash consideration
238 | | Amount | | |
237 | | Amount | | |
118 | | Amount | | Value expressed in the currency reflected by the Currency(15) field
119 | | Amount | | |
155 | | Float | | |
156 | | Char Enum | | |
77 | | Char Enum | | Can be used for derivatives omnibus accounting
58 | | String | | Can be used by the executing market to record any execution details that are particular to that market
354 | | Length | | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it
355 | | Data | | |
752 | | Int Enum | | Can be used to support the scenario where a single leg instrument trades against an individual leg of a multileg instrument
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | |
825 | | String | | |
826 | | Int Enum | | |
1848 | | Int Enum | | |
1730 | | String | | |
2771 | | String | | Identifies the previous AllocGroupID(1730) being changed by this message when AllocGroupStatus(2767)=3 (Changed)
2759 | | Amount | | |
2767 | | Int Enum | | |
1853 | | Int Enum | | |
1854 | | String | | |
1852 | | Price | | |
591 | | Char Enum | | |
70 | | String | | Used to assign an ID to the block of preallocations
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | Conveys settlement account details reported as part of obligation
1072 | | Amount | | |
1057 | | Boolean Enum | | |
1139 | | String | | |
1690 | | Int Enum | | Optional when Side (54) = 6 (Sell short exempt)
1115 | | Char Enum | | |
1444 | | Int Enum | | |
1851 | | String | | |
| | Component | | Order details for the order associated with this side of the trade
1031 | | MultipleStringValue Enum | | |
1032 | | Int Enum | | |
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | |
| | Component | | |
1980 | | Int Enum | | |
2344 | | Int Enum | | |
29 | | Char Enum | | In the context of regulatory trade reporting, this specifies the trading capacity of the reporting party
2334 | | String | | |
2335 | | Int Enum | | |
2361 | | String | | |
| | Component | | |